Yes that Scott Mendelson piece is utter hogwash – and I’ve written (at length!) of my loathing of The Last Jedi, so I’m in complete agreement.
I also don’t care if the story group is entirely female, the boss is female and the leads of all the movies are female, as long as the films are good. I loved The Force Awakens and whatever Lucasfilm was doing worked brilliantly, but alas, it turned out to be the spark of the old magic that was then extinguished.
It was Rian Johnson that ruined everything. He created the story, wrote the script and directed The Last Jedi, and it was terrible. Cynical, unoriginal and smug, it fails on every level. The blame has to be squarely on his shoulders, although I agree Kennedy must take a share for not reigning him in. The storytelling was so awful that it killed Star Wars for me. I feel bad for Mark Hamill for not only being in it, but then having to defend it and pretend he liked it.
It’s a textbook demonstration of how to sink a franchise in one disastrous film. I don’t see a way back from here.