Ian Harrington
1 min readJan 18, 2018


Yes exactly. You’ve crystallised something I’ve been struggling to put my finger on. It was undeniably the intent of the creators of The Last Jedi to ridicule existing fans of the franchise in such a way that new Star Wars fans could openly laugh at them.

This sadly includes Mark Hamill himself, who was understandably upset during production over the ruination of his character (in contrast to the veneration afforded to Han and Leia) and faced a choice: get on board or end up being lumped in with the rest of the original trilogy “fan-babies”.

It’s actually a clever strategy: divide the fanbase and point and laugh at the old original fans, in order to bind the new fans more strongly to your product going forward. Make it clear that those dissenting fans are only angry because they are white male supremacist misogynists – and you naturally achieve the feat of encouraging new fans to blindly defend the new film, warts and all.

In the end though, I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed, and whether I’m done with Star Wars, or Star Wars is done with me, it amounts to the same thing in the end. What a shame.



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