Outstanding. I cannot express how much I love this. THIS is Luke Skywalker. THIS. Snoke is appalled that Luke wanted to change the Jedi religion and get rid of all the nonsense that didn’t make sense, like forced celibacy and taking children away from their parents. Perfect. I love it.
Luke was also forced to defend his students from Rey’s parents, who went bad. Perfect. Rian would still get to have tortured Luke, ashamed Luke, hermit Luke – only with proper motivation.
The thing I love most about your ideas is that The Last Jedi wouldn’t have had to be all that different, except characters would have developed in new interesting ways, Rey not Ben Solo would’ve been pushed to the forefront, and Luke Skywalker would’ve been goddam Luke Skywalker. I nearly cried reading this, so so good.
I have my own ideas and daydreams about how I would’ve done Episode 8 which are different from yours, but the point is, if I’d seen your version on the big screen I would’ve been totally happy and on board with it. I would’ve walked out with a big smile on my face. This notion that went round that fans were just upset that they didn’t get the version of the story they wanted is such bullshit. We just wanted a good story.
Rian Johnson is a brilliant director, but his writing just wasn’t up to scratch. This is far better. I wish someone from Lucasfilm would read it.