My point still stands though. You might want to go back and kill baby Hitler because you know his crimes. Now, lets say your brother comes to you today and says he knows your son is going to grow up to be another Hitler: he’s had a vision you see. So he’s brought a knife to cut his throat. How might you respond?
These are two entirely different propositions, even in the Star Wars universe.
Luke saw enough goodness in his disturbed father to want to try to save him, during the height of war, as he was facing total imminent defeat and the death of his family and friends; I find it impossible to imagine years later during peacetime he would have a vision and then decide to go murder Leia’s son. Especially since he was told by Yoda Force visions are unreliable at best.
That’s just not Luke Skywalker. No matter how many times people try to explain it away using algebra-for-the-insane, it’s still terrible writing. Johnson let his story dictate character, rather than the other way round, which is how his film ended up such a mess.
Luke’s whole character arc is about him overcoming his temptation to the darkside. His arc was done. That’s what the end of ROTJ was all about. Luke’s story was done. I wrote a whole Medium post about it, mainly because I don’t get how people – especially Rian Johnson – don’t get it. These are films written for children to understand!
Star Wars is now done, and so am I.