Most disturbing to me is that the left sees ‘fake news’ as exclusively an issue with right-wing media (which it may be), but completely fail to discern the difference between truth and opinions they agree with.
As has been said before, the desire to characterise Leave voters in the Brexit referendum as racist and ignorant and now regretful – seemingly based on no evidence whatsoever, has now, worryingly, been adopted by many on the left as ‘fact’.
Millions of people put crosses in the “Leave” and “Remain” boxes on polling day. Who could be arrogant enough to believe that they alone understand all the subtle, nuanced reasoning that drove each of those decisions.
Especially as infinitesimally tiny samples (interviews conducted by stunned news-broadcasters with Leave voters) did not bear this narrative out. The vast majority of interviewees cited concerns of the lack of democratic accountability in the EU; of not being in control of our own country anymore; of being dragged deeper and deeper into EU integration without being asked.
Indeed, as a generally left-leaning person myself, I was surprised to find these concerns dismissed by hard-left friends and colleagues. A common refrain I heard was “democracy is not as important as the EU”.
And nothing has shaken their conviction that all Leave voters are racist and stupid.